Sunday, 2 December 2012

Magazine Advert

Magazine Advert Process:
This is the magazine advert that I created after finishing my digipak. Like the process to make my digipak, I used photo shop to make the magazine cover. The first thing I done was create a new file to the size that I wanted it to be. Next, I transferred the image from the front cover of the digipak to the new file and move it to the bottom of the page. After this I used the '' tool to get there matching colour from the image to make the background. After creating a new layer, I started to work on the text. I wanted to use the same font for the name of the band and album like the digipak so I wrote out these things in the same font. However, I had to make them a lot bigger so it fit the size of the magazine advert. For the ratings and other text on the page, I wanted to find a different font to make it stand out from the rest of the advert. After trying out loads of different fonts, I chose to use.... this is because I think that it looks like a messy font which reflects a type of handwriting. Finally, I created another new layer and found promotion labels to add to the bottom of the advert. I chose the HMV and Fopp logos because they would be the most likely company's to promote the type of music my music video was made for. Overall, I think that the digipak process went well although I think that I could have made some of it more interesting and more like a real existing media product; even though it does fit in with the genre of music it is aimed at. Now looking at the magazine advert, I could have possibly used a more contrasting font of writing which would stand out from the rest of the image.

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